\usemodule[present-overlap,abr-02] \startdocument [title=MathML, subtitle=or math in general, location=\ConTeXt\ Meeting 2011] \Topic{Some developments} \StartSteps \startitemize \startitem \MATHML\ started as an interchange format on the one hand (content) \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem but also provides a rendering variant (presentation) \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem and in the meantime has been merged with what is called open math \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem we now have \MATHML\ 3 and \CONTEXT\ has been updated a while ago to support this \stopitem \FlushStep \stopitemize \StopSteps \Topic{Some history} \StartSteps \startitemize \startitem we supported \MATHML\ right from the start \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem in \MKII\ quite some data juggling takes place because we need to do some analysis \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem the \MKII\ code has been upgraded a few times but is now frozen \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem in \MKIV\ we have rewritten all code using the first version of the new \XML\ parser \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem it currently is a mixture of \LUA, \TEX\ and \METAPOST \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem there will probably be a partial rewrite some day in the future \stopitem \FlushStep \stopitemize \StopSteps \Topic{\UNICODE} \StartSteps \startitemize \startitem in the meantime \UNICODE\ has been extended with math \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem in the past in \MATHML\ special characters and symbols were accessed by entity \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem but now we can exclusively use \UNICODE\ characters and forget about the entities \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem no matter what, we do need to do some analysis on the content of (presentation) elements \stopitem \FlushStep \stopitemize \StopSteps \Topic{Rendering} \StartSteps \startitemize \startitem we still provide rendering options as there might be (cultural) differences \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem in both marks we just need to load the module \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem in \MKIV\ you need a reasonable namespace directive \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem content markup can give better results than presentation markup \stopitem \FlushStep \stopitemize \StopSteps \Topic{Consequences} \StartSteps \startitemize \startitem we already use a database or definitions \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem we won't go the (somewhat extreme) route of more commands \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem we're working on a subsystem for field driven rendering \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem bidirectional math already works but will be integrated in the layout model \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem cultural specific solutions are possible (we already provide language specific functions) \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem more information is carried around (for rendering as well as export), for instance functions \stopitem \FlushStep \stopitemize \StopSteps \stopdocument