% language=uk \setuppapersize [S6] \setupbackgrounds [page] [background=color, backgroundcolor=darkgray] \setuplayout [backspace=24pt, topspace=20pt, bottomspace=8pt, width=middle, height=middle, footerdistance=8pt, footer=8pt, header=0pt] \setupcolors [textcolor=white] \setupbodyfont [dejavu,14.4pt] \definecolor[trace:o] [s=1] \definecolor[trace:r] [s=1] \definecolor[trace:do][s=1] \definecolor[trace:dr][s=1] \usemodule[abr-03] \definefontfeature[noligatures][liga=no] \setuphead [section] [page=yes, style=\bfb, after={\blank[3*medium]}] \setuphead [subsection] [page=no, style=\bf\addfeature{noligatures}, before={\blank[3*medium]}, after={\blank}] \setupfooter [strut=no, style=\bf] \startdocument [title={Picture Fonts}, subtitle={welcome to a (beautiful) mess}, author={Hans Hagen}, occasion={BachoTUG 2017}] \startstandardmakeup \vskip32pt \bfd \setupinterlinespace \documentvariable{title} \crlf \bfb \setupinterlinespace \vskip12pt \documentvariable{subtitle} \vfill \bfb \setupinterlinespace \documentvariable{author} \crlf \documentvariable{occasion} \stopstandardmakeup \startsubject[title=A Summary] \startitemize \startitem {\bf the macro package's view:} just a font like any other but it needs to configure some extra color related properties \stopitem \startitem {\bf the engine's view:} depending on the technology a normal font that needs a bit special treatment or needs to be dealt with as collection of graphics \stopitem \startitem {\bf the viewer's view:} regular outline glyphs or images tagged as kind of characters so that their unicode representation can be cut and paste \stopitem \startitem {\bf the user's view:} more pictures than glyphs although some people one can communicate using them \stopitem \stopitemize So, in practice, for most \TEX\ users it's probably not a high priority font but more a fun one. \stopsubject \startsubject[title=Technologies] As each vendor came up with something, we have to deal with a all kinds of formats. And or course, as eagerness pushes things on the market before it's perfect we now have to deal with all of them. \startitemize \startitem {\bf overlapping glyphs:} this technique uses the \type {colr} and \type {cpal} tables and is actually a quite clean technology, you can combine in different ways \stopitem \startitem {\bf svg graphics:} this technique uses the \type {svg} table that contains a svg vector image \stopitem \startitem {\bf bitmap graphics:} this technique uses for instance \type {sbix} tables that can have various graphic images \stopitem \stopitemize The first two are already supported in the \CONTEXT\ font loader and processor for a while, the last one was added recently. \blank Only the overlapping method is useable for the tens of thousands of skin tone combinations of families, (kissing) couples, and professions. \stopsubject \startsubject[title=Preparation] For now one has to enable the feature: \startbuffer \definefontfeature[overlay][default][ccmp=yes,colr=yes,dist=yes] \definefontfeature[svg] [default][svg=yes] \definefontfeature[bitmap] [default][sbix=yes] \definefontfeature [colored] [default] [cmcp=yes,dist=yes, colr=yes,svg=yes,sbix=yes] \stopbuffer \typebuffer \getbuffer Defining a font is not different from others \starttyping \definefont[MyEmojiFont] [seguiemj*overlay] \definefontsynonym[emoji][seguiemj*overlay] \stoptyping As is using: \starttyping {\MyEmojiFont\resolvedemoji{woman}} \emoji{woman} \stoptyping \stopsubject \startsubject[title=Accessing shapes] \startbuffer \definesymbol[man] [\emoji{man}] \definesymbol[woman][\emoji{woman}] \definesymbol[girl] [\emoji{girl}] \definesymbol[boy] [\emoji{boy}] \definesymbol[family][\emoji{family man woman girl boy}] \stopbuffer \typebuffer \getbuffer \starttyping \definefontsynonym[emoji][file:seguiemj.ttf*default,overlay] \symbol[boy] \symbol[girl] \symbol[man] \symbol[woman] \symbol[family] \stoptyping \stopsubject \startsubject[title=Different fonts] \def\ShowThem#1#2#3% {\NC #1 \NC default \NC \definefontsynonym[emoji][#3*default]\symbol[boy] \symbol[girl] \symbol[man] \symbol[woman] \NC \definefontsynonym[emoji][#3*default]\symbol[family] \NC \NR \NC \NC #2 \NC \definefontsynonym[emoji][#3*#2]\symbol[boy] \symbol[girl] \symbol[man] \symbol[woman] \NC \definefontsynonym[emoji][#3*#2]\symbol[family] \NC \NR} \starttabulate[|T|T|||] \ShowThem{seguiemj} {overlay}{file:seguiemj.ttf} \ShowThem{emojionecolor-svginot}{svg} {file:emojionecolor-svginot.ttf} \ShowThem{emojionemozilla} {overlay}{file:emojionemozilla.ttf} \ShowThem{applecoloremoji} {bitmap} {file:applecoloremoji.ttc} \stoptabulate \stopsubject \startsubject[title=Ligatures] \definefontfeature[seguiemj-cl][default][colr=yes,ccmp=yes,dist=yes] \definefontfeature[seguiemj-bw][default][ccmp=yes] % \definefont[MyEmoji][emojionecolor-svginot*default,svg] % \definefont[MyEmoji][seguiemj*seguiemj-bw] \definefont[MyEmoji][seguiemj*seguiemj-cl] % \definefont[MyEmoji][emojionemozilla*default,overlay] % \definefont[MyEmoji][applecoloremoji*default,bitmap] {\MyEmoji 👨🏽‍🌾 👨🏽‍🍳 👨🏽‍🎓 👨🏽‍🎤 👨🏽‍🎨 👨🏽‍🏫 👨🏽‍🏭 👨🏽‍💻 👨🏽‍💼 👨🏽‍🔧 👨🏽‍🔬 👨🏽‍🚀} \starttabulate[|T|T||] \NC character \NC 1F477 \NC \MyEmoji \utfchar{"1F477} \NC \NR % construction worker \NC skin modifier \NC 1F3FE \NC \MyEmoji \utfchar{"1F3FE} \NC \NR % medium dark skin \NC ligature \NC 1F477 1F3FE \NC \MyEmoji \utfchar{"1F477}% \utfchar{"1F3FE} \NC \NR \NC zero width joiner \NC 0200D \NC \MyEmoji \utfchar{"0200D} \NC \NR \NC female modifier \NC 02640 0FE0F \NC \MyEmoji \utfchar{"02640}% \utfchar{"0FE0F} \NC \NR \NC the whole lot \NC \NC \MyEmoji \utfchar{"1F477}% \utfchar{"1F3FE}% \utfchar{"0200D}% \utfchar{"02640}% \utfchar{"0FE0F} \NC \NR \stoptabulate \starttabulate[|T|T||] \NC 1F468 1F3FD 200D 1F33E \NC \MyEmoji 👨🏽‍🌾 \NC man farmer medium skin tone \NC \NR \NC 1F468 1F3FD 200D 1F373 \NC \MyEmoji 👨🏽‍🍳 \NC man cook medium skin tone \NC \NR \NC 1F468 1F3FD 200D 1F393 \NC \MyEmoji 👨🏽‍🎓 \NC man student medium skin tone \NC \NR \NC 1F468 1F3FD 200D 1F3A4 \NC \MyEmoji 👨🏽‍🎤 \NC man singer medium skin tone \NC \NR \NC 1F468 1F3FD 200D 1F3A8 \NC \MyEmoji 👨🏽‍🎨 \NC man artist medium skin tone \NC \NR \NC 1F468 1F3FD 200D 1F3EB \NC \MyEmoji 👨🏽‍🏫 \NC man teacher medium skin tone \NC \NR \NC 1F468 1F3FD 200D 1F3ED \NC \MyEmoji 👨🏽‍🏭 \NC man factory worker medium skin tone \NC \NR \NC 1F468 1F3FD 200D 1F4BB \NC \MyEmoji 👨🏽‍💻 \NC man technologist medium skin tone \NC \NR \NC 1F468 1F3FD 200D 1F4BC \NC \MyEmoji 👨🏽‍💼 \NC man office worker medium skin tone \NC \NR \NC 1F468 1F3FD 200D 1F527 \NC \MyEmoji 👨🏽‍🔧 \NC man mechanic medium skin tone \NC \NR \NC 1F468 1F3FD 200D 1F52C \NC \MyEmoji 👨🏽‍🔬 \NC man scientist medium skin tone \NC \NR \NC 1F468 1F3FD 200D 1F680 \NC \MyEmoji 👨🏽‍🚀 \NC man astronaut medium skin tone \NC \NR \stoptabulate \stopsubject \usemodule[fonts-emoji] \startsubject[title=Snippets] \start \definedfont[seguiemj*seguiemj-cl @ 32pt] \ShowEmojiSnippets [family man light skin tone woman dark skin tone girl medium skin tone boy medium skin tone] \vskip1ex \ShowEmojiSnippetsOverlay [family man light skin tone woman dark skin tone girl medium skin tone boy medium skin tone] \vskip1ex \ShowEmojiGlyphs [family man light skin tone woman dark skin tone girl medium skin tone boy medium skin tone] \stop \stopsubject \startsubject[title=Using \type{\ShowEmoji[^man]}] \start \MyEmoji \ShowEmoji[^man] \stop \stopsubject \startsubject[title=Recoloring Seguiem] \start \definecolor[emoji-red] [r=.4] \definecolor[emoji-blue] [b=.4] \definecolor[emoji-yellow][y=.4] \definecolor[emoji-gray] [s=.5,t=.5,a=1] \definefontcolorpalette [emoji-red] [emoji-red,emoji-gray] \definefontcolorpalette [emoji-blue] [emoji-blue,emoji-gray] \definefontcolorpalette [emoji-yellow] [emoji-yellow,emoji-gray] \definefontfeature[seguiemj-r][default][ccmp=yes,dist=yes,colr=emoji-red] \definefontfeature[seguiemj-b][default][ccmp=yes,dist=yes,colr=emoji-blue] 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