\usemodule[present-ovals] \definecolor[maincolor][darkgray] \definefont[largett][Mono sa 3] \starttext \startstandardmakeup \bfc\setstrut \vfil \midaligned{\strut the interaction between} \vfil \midaligned{\strut ligatures hyphenation} \vfil \midaligned{\strut and kerning} \vfil \bf\setstrut \vfil \midaligned{\strut Hans Hagen} \vfil \midaligned{\strut Bacho\TeX\ 2015} \vfil \stopstandardmakeup \starttitle[title={Ligature}] \startlines \largett\setupinterlinespace {\red e}{\red f}{\red f}{\red e} {\red e}{\blue ff}{\red e} {\red e}{\vl}{\blue ff}{\vl}{\red e} \stoplines \stoptitle \starttitle[title={Discretionary}] \startlines \bigger \setupinterlinespace \type{\discretionary{pre}{post}{replace}} \blank \type{explicit: \-} \blank \type{automatic: -} \blank \type{regular: patterns} \blank \type{first: internal} \type{second: internal} \stoplines \stoptitle \starttitle[title={Hyphenated ligature}] \startlines \largett\setupinterlinespace {\red e}{\red f}{\green -}{\red f}{\red e} {\red e}[{\red f}{\green -}][{\red f}][{\blue ff}]{\red e} {\red e}[{\vl}{\red f}{\vl}{\green -}][{\red f}{\vl}][{\vl}{\blue ff}{\vl}]{\red e} \stoplines \stoptitle \starttitle[title={Substitution}] \startlines \largett\setupinterlinespace {\red e}{\red f}{\red f}{\red e} {\red e}{\magenta f}{\cyan f}{\red e} {\red e}{\vl}{\magenta f}{\vl}{\cyan f}{\vl}{\red e} \stoplines \stoptitle \stoptitle \starttitle[title={Hyphenation substitution}] \startlines \largett\setupinterlinespace {\red e}{\red f}{\green -}{\red f}{\red e} {\red e}[{\red f}{\green -}][{\red f}][{\magenta f}{\cyan f}]{\red e} {\red e}[{\vl}{\red f}{\vl}{\green -}][{\red f}{\vl}][{\vl}{\magenta f}{\vl}{\cyan f}{\vl}]{\red e} \stoplines \stoptitle \starttitle[title={Hyphenation substitution (2)}] \startlines \largett\setupinterlinespace {\red e}{\red f}{\green -}{\red f}{\red e} {\red e}[{\red f}{\green -}][{\green -}{\red f}][{\magenta f}{\cyan f}]{\red e} {\red e}[{\vl}{\red f}{\vl}{\green -}][{\green -}{\vl}{\red f}{\vl}][{\vl}{\magenta f}{\vl}{\cyan f}{\vl}]{\red e} \stoplines \stoptitle \starttitle[title={Hyphenation substitution (3)}] \startlines \largett\setupinterlinespace {\red e}{\red f}{\green -}{\red f}{\red e} {\red e}[{\yellow f}{\green -}][{\green -}{\red f}][{\magenta f}{\cyan f}]{\red e} {\red e}[{\vl}{\yellow f}{\vl}{\green -}][{\green -}{\vl}{\red f}{\vl}][{\vl}{\magenta f}{\vl}{\cyan f}{\vl}]{\red e} \stoplines \stoptitle \starttitle[title={Hyphenation substitution (4)}] \startlines \largett\setupinterlinespace \dontleavehmode\hbox{{\red e}{\red f}{\green -}{\red f}{\red i}{\green -}{\red c}{\red i}{\red e}{\red n}{\red t}} \dontleavehmode\hbox{{\red e}[{\red f}{\green -}][{\blue fi}][{\blue ffi}{\green -}]{\red c}} \dontleavehmode\hbox{{\red e}[{\vl}{\red f}{\vl}{\green -}][{\blue fi}{\vl}][{\vl}{\blue ffi}{\vl}{\green -}{\vl}]{\red c}} \stoplines \stoptitle \starttitle[title={Languages}] \startlines \largett\setupinterlinespace {\red f}{\red i}{\red j}{\red n} {\blue fi}{\red j}{\red n} {\red f}{\blue ij}{\red n} \stoplines \stoptitle \starttitle[title={Relevance of typesetting}] \startparagraph glyphs (shapes) are a way to communicate \stopparagraph \startparagraph writing and reading are complementary \stopparagraph \startparagraph both were instrumental to progress \stopparagraph \startparagraph and both are under pressure \stopparagraph \startparagraph we need to distinguish between art and useability \stopparagraph \startparagraph typography is a tool, not an aim \stopparagraph \stoptitle \starttitle[title={Relevance of ligatures}] \startparagraph save space (less medium needed) \stopparagraph \startparagraph kind of arbitrary applied / provided \stopparagraph \startparagraph less relevant apart from look \stopparagraph \startparagraph alien for most readers \stopparagraph \startparagraph not always better readable \stopparagraph \startparagraph better spend energy elsewhere \stopparagraph \stoptitle \page \usemodule[punk] \usetypescript[punk] \startstandardmakeup \definedfont[demo@punk at 40pt] \setupinterlinespace \EnableRandomPunk Should we really care about such features in a time when kids no longer need to write and don't seem to care at all about how things look. \stopstandardmakeup \stoptext