% \enablemode[print] \usemodule[present-stepwise,present-four,abr-02] \abbreviation [METAPOST] {MetaPost} {} \startdocument [title=Finding\par the\par balance] %D This style is mostly for myself \unknown\ to get an idea of what I need to %D talk about, in this case the rather drastic transformation of the \CONTEXT\ %D code base to \MKIV\ and \LUA. \startsubject[title={No way back}] \StartSteps \startitemize \startitem We have passed the point of no return already years ago. \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem Most users now use \MKIV, with an occasional fall-back on \MKII. \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem The code base is now completely split, with the exception of some modules. \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem Some solutions are implemented in \LUA\ with only a small wrapper at the \TEX\ end. \stopitem \FlushStep \stopitemize \StopSteps \stopsubject \startsubject[title={To get an idea}] \StartSteps \startitemize \startitem structure: sectioning, notes, descriptions, registers, synonyms \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem typesetting: sectioning, notes, descriptions, \stopitem \FlushStep \stopitemize \StopSteps \stopsubject \startsubject[title={Hybrid coding}] \StartSteps \startitemize \startitem The complete \CONTEXT\ user interface is available at the \LUA\ end (context namespace). \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem Eventually all \LUA\ solutions will have a dual interface: \LUA\ (all kind of namespaces) and towards \TEX\ (the command namespace). \stopitem \FlushStep \startitem Some of the support \LUA\ modules can also be used independent from \CONTEXT. \stopitem \FlushStep \stopitemize \StopSteps \StopPage \startsubject[title={Coding in \TEX}] \StartSteps \starttyping \starttabulate[|l|c|r|] \NC one \NC 1 \NC first \NC \NR \NC two \NC 2 \NC second \NC \NR \NC three \NC 3 \NC third \NC \NR \stoptabulate \stoptyping \FlushStep \StopSteps \StopPage \startsubject[title={Coding in \LUA}] \StartSteps \starttyping local NC = context.NC local NR = context.NR context.starttabulate { "|l|c|r|" } NC() one NC() 1 NC() first NC() NR() NC() two NC() 2 NC() second NC() NR() NC() three NC() 3 NC() third NC() NR() context.stoptabulate() \stoptyping \FlushStep \StopSteps \StopPage \startsubject[title={Pure \LUA\ vs \TEX}] \StartSteps \starttyping function converters.ordinal(n,language) local t = ordinals[language] return t and t(n) end function commands.ordinal(n,language) local t = ordinals[language] local o = t and t(n) if o then context.highordinalstr(o) end end \stoptyping \FlushStep \StopSteps \StopPage \startsubject[title={Up to \MKVI}] \StartSteps \starttyping \def\MyPlace#Country#City% {\blank #City is situated in #Country \blank} \starttexdefinition MyName #Name My name is: #Name. \stoptexdefinition \MyPlace{Netherlands}{Hasselt} \MyPlace{Poland} {Bachotek} \MyName{Hans Hagen} \stoptyping \FlushStep \StopSteps \StopPage \startsubject[title={\CONTEXT\ \LUA\ Documents}] \StartSteps Let's look at some examples: \FlushStep \starttyping cld-math-001.cld music-001.cld m-zint.mkiv s-edu-01.mkiv m-morse.mkvi scrn-wid.[lua|mkvi] [grph|lpdf|back]-swf.mkiv \stoptyping \FlushStep (In 2016 I'd show different examples.) \FlushStep \StopSteps \StopPage \stopdocument